Common use cases

Kedro has a few built-in mechanisms for you to extend its behaviour. This document explains how to select which mechanism to employ for the most common use cases.

Use Case 1: How to add extra behaviour to Kedro’s execution timeline

The execution timeline of a Kedro pipeline can be thought of as a sequence of actions performed by various Kedro library components, such as the DataSets, DataCatalog, Pipeline, and Node.

At different points in the lifecycle of these components, you may want to add extra behaviour. For example, you could add extra computation for profiling purposes before and after a node runs or before and after the I/O actions of a dataset, namely the load and save actions.

Before Kedro 0.17.0, we added a few different APIs to allow you to extend Kedro’s behaviour. For example, to allow extra behaviour before and after a node runs, we introduced the decorators API. Similarly, to allow extra behaviour before and after dataset I/O, we introduced the transformers API.

While we addressed some immediate use cases, we have since decided to provide just one, single way to extend Kedro’s execution timeline: Hooks. So, from Kedro version 0.17.0, we now deprecate decorators and transformers in favour of Hooks, which will be the recommended approach when you need to extend Kedro’s execution timeline.

Use Case 2: How to integrate Kedro with additional data sources

You can use DataSets to interface with various different data sources. If the data source you plan to use is not supported out of the box by Kedro, you can create a custom dataset.

Use Case 3: How to add CLI commands that are reusable across projects

To inject additional CLI commands intended to be reused across projects, please refer to our plugins system. An example of one such command is the kedro viz command introduced by the official Kedro-Viz plugin. This command is intended to work on every Kedro project and therefore must be a standalone plugin. On the other hand, if you just want to customise built-in Kedro commands, such as kedro run for a specific project, please modify the file in your project instead.


Your plugin’s implementation can take advantage of other extension mechanisms such as Hooks.

Use Case 4: How to customise the initial boilerplate of your project

Sometimes you might want to tailor the starting boilerplate of a Kedro project to your specific needs. For example, your organisation might have a standard CI script that you want to include in every new Kedro project. To this end, please visit our guide to create Kedro starters to solve this extension requirement.