
This section contains detailed information about configuration, for which the relevant API documentation can be found in kedro.config.ConfigLoader.

Configuration root

We recommend that you keep all configuration files in the conf directory of a Kedro project. However, if you prefer, you may point Kedro to any other directory and change the configuration paths by setting the CONF_ROOT variable in src/<project-package>/ as follows:

CONF_ROOT = "new_conf"

Local and base configuration environments

Kedro-specific configuration (e.g., DataCatalog configuration for IO) is loaded using the ConfigLoader class:

from kedro.config import ConfigLoader

conf_paths = ["conf/base", "conf/local"]
conf_loader = ConfigLoader(conf_paths)
conf_catalog = conf_loader.get("catalog*", "catalog*/**")

This will recursively scan for configuration files firstly in conf/base/ and then in conf/local/ directory according to the following rules:

  • Either of the following is true:

    • filename starts with catalog

    • file is located in a sub-directory whose name is prefixed with catalog

  • And file extension is one of the following: yaml, yml, json, ini, pickle, xml or properties

Configuration information from files stored in base or local that match these rules is merged at runtime and returned in the form of a config dictionary:

  • If any two configuration files located inside the same environment path (conf/base/ or conf/local/ in this example) contain the same top-level key, load_config will raise a ValueError indicating that the duplicates are not allowed.

  • If two configuration files have duplicate top-level keys but are in different environment paths (one in conf/base/, another in conf/local/, for example) then the last loaded path (conf/local/ in this case) takes precedence and overrides that key value. ConfigLoader.get will not raise any errors, however a DEBUG level log message will be emitted with information on the overridden keys.

Any top-level keys that start with _ are considered hidden (or reserved) and are ignored after the config is loaded. Those keys will neither trigger a key duplication error nor appear in the resulting configuration dictionary. However, you may still use such keys, for example, as YAML anchors and aliases.

Additional configuration environments

In addition to the two built-in local and base configuration environments, it is possible to create your own. Your project loads conf/base/ as the bottom-level configuration environment but allows you to overwrite it with any other environments that you create such as conf/server/ or conf/test/. Additional configuration environments are used by running the following command:

kedro run --env=test

If no env option is specified, this will default to using the local environment to overwrite conf/base.

If, for some reason, your project does not have any other environments apart from base, i.e. no local environment to default to, you will need to customise KedroContext to take env="base" in the constructor and then specify your custom KedroContext subclass in src/<python-package>/ under the CONTEXT_CLASS key.

If you set the KEDRO_ENV environment variable to the name of your environment, Kedro will load that environment for your kedro run, kedro ipython, kedro jupyter notebook and kedro jupyter lab sessions:

export KEDRO_ENV=test


If you specify both the KEDRO_ENV environment variable and provide the --env argument to a CLI command, the CLI argument takes precedence.

Template configuration

Kedro also provides an extension TemplatedConfigLoader class that allows you to template values in configuration files. To apply templating in your project, you will need to update the register_config_loader hook implementation in your src/<project-name>/

from kedro.config import TemplatedConfigLoader  # new import

class ProjectHooks:
    def register_config_loader(self, conf_paths: Iterable[str]) -> ConfigLoader:
        return TemplatedConfigLoader(
            globals_pattern="*globals.yml",  # read the globals dictionary from project config
            globals_dict={  # extra keys to add to the globals dictionary, take precedence over globals_pattern
                "bucket_name": "another_bucket_name",
                "non_string_key": 10,

Let’s assume the project contains a conf/base/globals.yml file with the following contents:

bucket_name: "my_s3_bucket"
key_prefix: "my/key/prefix/"

    csv: "pandas.CSVDataSet"
    spark: "spark.SparkDataSet"

    raw: "01_raw"
    int: "02_intermediate"
    pri: "03_primary"
    fea: "04_feature"

The contents of the dictionary resulting from globals_pattern get merged with the globals_dict dictionary. In case of conflicts, the keys from the globals_dict dictionary take precedence. The resulting global dictionary prepared by TemplatedConfigLoader will look like this:

    "bucket_name": "another_bucket_name",
    "non_string_key": 10,
    "key_prefix": "my/key/prefix",
    "datasets": {"csv": "pandas.CSVDataSet", "spark": "spark.SparkDataSet"},
    "folders": {
        "raw": "01_raw",
        "int": "02_intermediate",
        "pri": "03_primary",
        "fea": "04_feature",

Now the templating can be applied to the configuration. Here is an example of a templated conf/base/catalog.yml:

    type: "${datasets.spark}"  # nested paths into global dict are allowed
    filepath: "s3a://${bucket_name}/${key_prefix}/${folders.raw}/boats.csv"
    file_format: parquet

    type: "${datasets.csv}"
    filepath: "s3://${bucket_name}/data/${key_prefix}/${folders.raw}/${filename|cars.csv}"  # default to 'cars.csv' if the 'filename' key is not found in the global dict

Under the hood, TemplatedConfigLoader uses JMESPath syntax to extract elements from the globals dictionary.

Jinja2 support

From version 0.17.0 TemplateConfigLoader also supports Jinja2 template engine alongside the original template syntax. Below is an example of a catalog.yml file that uses both features:

{% for speed in ['fast', 'slow'] %}
{{ speed }}-trains:
    type: MemoryDataSet

{{ speed }}-cars:
    type: pandas.CSVDataSet
    filepath: s3://${bucket_name}/{{ speed }}-cars.csv
        index: true

{% endfor %}

When parsing this configuration file, TemplateConfigLoader will:

  1. Read the catalog.yml and compile it using Jinja2

  2. Use a YAML parser to parse the compiled config into a Python dictionary

  3. Expand ${bucket_name} in filepath using the globals_pattern and globals_dict arguments for the TemplateConfigLoader instance as in the previous examples

The output Python dictionary will look as follows:

    "fast-trains": {"type": "MemoryDataSet"},
    "fast-cars": {
        "type": "pandas.CSVDataSet",
        "filepath": "s3://my_s3_bucket/fast-cars.csv",
        "save_args": {"index": True},
    "slow-trains": {"type": "MemoryDataSet"},
    "slow-cars": {
        "type": "pandas.CSVDataSet",
        "filepath": "s3://my_s3_bucket/slow-cars.csv",
        "save_args": {"index": True},


Although Jinja2 is a very powerful and extremely flexible template engine, which comes with a wide range of features, we do not recommend using it to template your configuration unless absolutely necessary. The flexibility of dynamic configuration comes at a cost of significantly reduced readability and much higher maintenance overhead. We believe that, for the majority of analytics projects, dynamically compiled configuration does more harm than good.


Load parameters

Parameters project configuration can be loaded with the help of the ConfigLoader class:

from kedro.config import ConfigLoader

conf_paths = ["conf/base", "conf/local"]
conf_loader = ConfigLoader(conf_paths)
parameters = conf_loader.get("parameters*", "parameters*/**")

This will load configuration files from conf/base and conf/local that have a filename starting with parameters or are located inside a folder with name starting with parameters.


Since it is loaded after conf/base, the configuration path conf/local takes precedence in the example above. Hence any overlapping top-level keys from conf/base will be overwritten by the ones from conf/local.

Calling conf_loader.get() in the example above will throw a MissingConfigException error if there are no configuration files matching the given patterns in any of the specified paths. If this is a valid workflow for your application, you can handle it as follows:

from kedro.config import ConfigLoader, MissingConfigException

conf_paths = ["conf/base", "conf/local"]
conf_loader = ConfigLoader(conf_paths)

    parameters = conf_loader.get("parameters*", "parameters*/**")
except MissingConfigException:
    parameters = {}


The kedro.framework.context.KedroContext class uses the approach above to load project parameters.

Parameters can then be used on their own or fed in as function inputs, as described below.

Specify parameters at runtime

Kedro also allows you to specify runtime parameters for the kedro run CLI command. To do so, you need to use the --params command line option and specify a comma-separated list of key-value pairs that will be added to KedroContext parameters and made available to pipeline nodes. Each key-value pair is split on the first colon. For example:

kedro run --params param_key1:value1,param_key2:2.0  # this will add {"param_key1": "value1", "param_key2": 2} to parameters dictionary

Values provided in the CLI take precedence and overwrite parameters specified in configuration files. Parameter keys are always treated as strings. Parameter values are converted to a float or an integer number if the corresponding conversion succeeds; otherwise they are also treated as string.

If any extra parameter key and/or value contains spaces, you should wrap the whole option contents in quotes:

kedro run --params "key1:value with spaces,key2:value"

Since key-value pairs are split on the first colon, values can contain colons, but keys cannot. This is a valid CLI command:

kedro run --params endpoint_url:

Use parameters

Say you have a set of parameters you’re playing around with that specify modelling hyperparameters. You can declare these in one place, for instance conf/base/parameters.yml, so that you isolate your changes in one central location.

step_size: 1
learning_rate: 0.01

You may now reference these parameters in the node definition, using the params: prefix:

def increase_volume(volume, step):
    return volume + step

# in pipeline definition
    inputs=["input_volume", "params:step_size"],

You can also group your parameters into nested structures and, using the same method above, load them by top-level key:

step_size: 1
    learning_rate: 0.01
    test_data_ratio: 0.2
    number_of_train_iterations: 10000
def train_model(data, model):
    lr = model["learning_rate"]
    test_data_ratio = model["test_data_ratio"]
    iterations = model["number_of_train_iterations"]

# in pipeline definition
    inputs=["input_data", "params:model_params"],

Alternatively, you can also pass parameters to the node inputs and get access to the entire collection of values inside the node function.

def increase_volume(volume, params):
    step = params["step_size"]
    return volume + step

# in pipeline definition
    func=increase_volume, inputs=["input_volume", "parameters"], outputs="output_volume"

In both cases, under the hood parameters are added to the Data Catalog through the method add_feed_dict() in DataCatalog, where they live as MemoryDataSets. This method is also what the KedroContext class uses when instantiating the catalog.


You can use add_feed_dict() to inject any other entries into your DataCatalog as per your use case.


For security reasons, we strongly recommend not committing any credentials or other secrets to the Version Control System. Hence, by default any file inside the conf/ folder (and its subfolders) containing credentials in its name will be ignored via .gitignore and not committed to your git repository.

Credentials configuration can be loaded the same way as any other project configuration using the ConfigLoader class:

from kedro.config import ConfigLoader

conf_paths = ["conf/base", "conf/local"]
conf_loader = ConfigLoader(conf_paths)
credentials = conf_loader.get("credentials*", "credentials*/**")

This will load configuration files from conf/base and conf/local that have filename starting with credentials or are located inside a folder with name starting with credentials.


Since it is loaded after conf/base, the configuration path conf/local takes precedence in the example above. Hence any overlapping top-level keys from conf/base will be overwritten by the ones from conf/local.

Calling conf_loader.get() in the example above will throw a MissingConfigException error if there are no configuration files matching the given patterns in any of the specified paths. If this is a valid workflow for your application, you can handle it as follows:

from kedro.config import ConfigLoader, MissingConfigException

conf_paths = ["conf/base", "conf/local"]
conf_loader = ConfigLoader(conf_paths)

    credentials = conf_loader.get("credentials*", "credentials*/**")
except MissingConfigException:
    credentials = {}


The kedro.framework.context.KedroContext class uses the approach above to load project credentials.

Credentials configuration can then be used on its own or fed into the DataCatalog.

AWS credentials

When working with AWS credentials on datasets, you are not required to store AWS credentials in the project configuration files. Instead, you can specify them using environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, and, optionally, AWS_SESSION_TOKEN. Please refer to the official documentation for more details.

Configure kedro run arguments

An extensive list of CLI options for a kedro run is available in the Kedro CLI documentation. However, instead of specifying all the command line options in a kedro run via the CLI, you can specify a config file that contains the arguments, say config.yml and run:

$ kedro run --config config.yml

where config.yml is formatted as below (for example):

    - tag1
    - tag2
    - tag3
  pipeline: pipeline1
  parallel: true
    - node1
    - node2
  env: env1


If you provide both a configuration file and a CLI option that clashes with the configuration file, the CLI option will take precedence.