Reuse pipelines with namespaces

How to reuse your pipelines

If you want to create a new pipeline that performs similar tasks with different inputs/outputs/parameters as your existing_pipeline, you can use the same pipeline() creation function as described in How to structure your pipeline creation. This function allows you to overwrite inputs, outputs, and parameters. Your new pipeline creation code should look like this:

def create_pipeline(**kwargs) -> Pipeline:
    return pipeline(
       existing_pipeline, # Name of the existing Pipeline object
       inputs = {"old_input_df_name" : "new_input_df_name"},  # Mapping existing Pipeline input to new input
       outputs = {"old_output_df_name" : "new_output_df_name"},  # Mapping existing Pipeline output to new output
       parameters = {"params: model_options": "params: new_model_options"},  # Updating parameters

This means you can create multiple pipelines based on the existing_pipeline pipeline to test different approaches with various input datasets and model training parameters. For example, for the data_science pipeline from our Spaceflights tutorial, you can restructure the src/project_name/pipelines/data_science/ file by separating the data_science pipeline creation code into a separate base_data_science pipeline object, then reusing it inside the create_pipeline() function:


from kedro.pipeline import Pipeline, node, pipeline
from .nodes import evaluate_model, split_data, train_model

base_data_science = pipeline(
                inputs=["model_input_table", "params:model_options"],
                outputs=["X_train", "X_test", "y_train", "y_test"],
                inputs=["X_train", "y_train"],
                inputs=["regressor", "X_test", "y_test"],
    )  # Creating a base data science pipeline that will be reused with different model training parameters

# data_science pipeline creation function
def create_pipeline(**kwargs) -> Pipeline:
    return pipeline(
        [base_data_science],  # Creating a new data_science pipeline based on base_data_science pipeline
        parameters={"params:model_options": "params:model_options_1"},  # Using a new set of parameters to train model

To use a new set of parameters, you should create a second parameters file to ovewrite parameters specified in conf/base/parameters.yml. To overwrite the parameter model_options, create a file conf/base/parameters_data_science.yml and add a parameter called model_options_1:

  test_size: 0.15
  random_state: 3
    - passenger_capacity
    - crew
    - d_check_complete
    - moon_clearance_complete
    - company_rating

In Kedro, you cannot run pipelines with the same node names. In this example, both pipelines have nodes with the same names, so it’s impossible to execute them together. However, base_data_science is not registered and will not be executed with the kedro run command. The data_science pipeline, on the other hand, will be executed during kedro run because it will be autodiscovered by Kedro, as it was created inside the create_pipeline() function.

If you want to execute base_data_science and data_science pipelines together or reuse base_data_science a few more times, you need to modify the node names. The easiest way to do this is by using namespaces.

What is a namespace

A namespace is a way to isolate nodes, inputs, outputs, and parameters inside your pipeline. If you put namespace="namespace_name" attribute inside the pipeline() creation function, it will add the namespace_name. prefix to all nodes, inputs, outputs, and parameters inside your new pipeline.

If you don’t want to change the names of your inputs, outputs, or parameters with the namespace_name. prefix while using a namespace, you should list these objects inside the corresponding parameters of the pipeline() creation function like this: inputs={"input_that_should_not_be_prefixed"}

Let’s extend our previous example and try to reuse the base_data_science pipeline one more time by creating another pipeline based on it. First, we should use the kedro pipeline create command to create a new blank pipeline named data_science_2:

kedro pipeline create data_science_2

Then, we need to modify the src/project_name/pipelines/data_science_2/ file to create a pipeline in a similar way to the example above. We will import base_data_science from the code above and use a namespace to isolate our nodes:

from kedro.pipeline import Pipeline, pipeline
from ..data_science.pipeline import base_data_science  # Import pipeline to create a new one based on it

def create_pipeline() -> Pipeline:
    return pipeline(
        base_data_science, # Creating a new data_science_2 pipeline based on base_data_science pipeline
        namespace = "ds_2", # With that namespace, "ds_2." prefix will be added to inputs, outputs, params, and node names
        parameters={"params:model_options": "params:model_options_2"}, # Using a new set of parameters to train model
        inputs={"model_input_table"}, # Inputs remain the same, without namespace prefix

To use a new set of parameters, copy model_options from conf/base/parameters_data_science.yml to conf/base/parameters_data_science_2.yml and modify it slightly to try new model training parameters, such as test size and a different feature set. Call it model_options_2:

  test_size: 0.3
  random_state: 3
    - d_check_complete
    - moon_clearance_complete
    - iata_approved
    - company_rating

In this example, all nodes inside the data_science_2 pipeline will be prefixed with ds_2: ds_2.split_data, ds_2.train_model, ds_2.evaluate_model. Parameters will be used from model_options_2 because we overwrite model_options with them. The input for that pipeline will be model_input_table as it was previously, because we mentioned that in the inputs parameter (without that, the input would be modified to ds_2.model_input_table, but we don’t have that table in the pipeline).

Since the node names are unique now, we can run the project with:

kedro run

Logs show that data_science and data_science_2 pipelines were executed successfully with different R2 results. Now, we can see how Kedro-viz renders namespaced pipelines in collapsible “super nodes”:

kedro viz run

After running viz, we can see two equal pipelines: data_science and data_science_2:

namespaces uncollapsed

We can collapse all namespaced pipelines (in our case, it’s only data_science_2) with a special button and see that the data_science_2 pipeline was collapsed into one super node called Ds 2:

namespaces collapsed

Tip: You can use kedro run --namespace=namespace_name to run only the specific namespace

How to namespace all pipelines in a project

If we want to make all pipelines in this example fully namespaced, we should:

Modify the data_processing pipeline by adding to the pipeline() creation function in src/project_name/pipelines/data_processing/ with the following code:

        inputs={"companies", "shuttles", "reviews"},  # Inputs remain the same, without namespace prefix
        outputs={"model_input_table"},  # Outputs remain the same, without namespace prefix

Modify the data_science pipeline by adding namespace and inputs in the same way as it was done in data_science_2 pipeline:

def create_pipeline(**kwargs) -> Pipeline:
    return pipeline(
        parameters={"params:model_options": "params:model_options_1"},

After executing the pipeline with kedro run, the visualisation with kedro viz run after collapsing will look like this:

namespaces collapsed all