"""``AbstractRunner`` is the base class for all ``Pipeline`` runner
from __future__ import annotations
import inspect
import logging
import warnings
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections import deque
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any
from kedro import KedroDeprecationWarning
from kedro.framework.hooks.manager import _NullPluginManager
from kedro.io import CatalogProtocol, MemoryDataset, SharedMemoryDataset
from kedro.pipeline import Pipeline
from kedro.runner.task import Task
from collections.abc import Collection, Iterable
from pluggy import PluginManager
from kedro.pipeline.node import Node
class AbstractRunner(ABC):
"""``AbstractRunner`` is the base class for all ``Pipeline`` runner
def __init__(
is_async: bool = False,
extra_dataset_patterns: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] | None = None,
"""Instantiates the runner class.
is_async: If True, the node inputs and outputs are loaded and saved
asynchronously with threads. Defaults to False.
extra_dataset_patterns: Extra dataset factory patterns to be added to the catalog
during the run. This is used to set the default datasets on the Runner instances.
self._is_async = is_async
self._extra_dataset_patterns = extra_dataset_patterns
def _logger(self) -> logging.Logger:
return logging.getLogger(self.__module__)
def run(
pipeline: Pipeline,
catalog: CatalogProtocol,
hook_manager: PluginManager | None = None,
session_id: str | None = None,
) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Run the ``Pipeline`` using the datasets provided by ``catalog``
and save results back to the same objects.
pipeline: The ``Pipeline`` to run.
catalog: An implemented instance of ``CatalogProtocol`` from which to fetch data.
hook_manager: The ``PluginManager`` to activate hooks.
session_id: The id of the session.
ValueError: Raised when ``Pipeline`` inputs cannot be satisfied.
Any node outputs that cannot be processed by the catalog.
These are returned in a dictionary, where the keys are defined
by the node outputs.
# Check which datasets used in the pipeline are in the catalog or match
# a pattern in the catalog, not including extra dataset patterns
# Run a warm-up to materialize all datasets in the catalog before run
warmed_up_ds = []
for ds in pipeline.datasets():
if ds in catalog:
_ = catalog._get_dataset(ds)
# Check if there are any input datasets that aren't in the catalog and
# don't match a pattern in the catalog.
unsatisfied = pipeline.inputs() - set(warmed_up_ds)
if unsatisfied:
raise ValueError(
f"Pipeline input(s) {unsatisfied} not found in the {catalog.__class__.__name__}"
# Register the default dataset pattern with the catalog
catalog = catalog.shallow_copy(
hook_or_null_manager = hook_manager or _NullPluginManager()
# Check which datasets used in the pipeline are in the catalog or match
# a pattern in the catalog, including added extra_dataset_patterns
registered_ds = [ds for ds in pipeline.datasets() if ds in catalog]
if self._is_async:
"Asynchronous mode is enabled for loading and saving data"
self._run(pipeline, catalog, hook_or_null_manager, session_id) # type: ignore[arg-type]
self._logger.info("Pipeline execution completed successfully.")
# Identify MemoryDataset in the catalog
memory_datasets = {
for ds_name, ds in catalog._datasets.items()
if isinstance(ds, MemoryDataset) or isinstance(ds, SharedMemoryDataset)
# Check if there's any output datasets that aren't in the catalog and don't match a pattern
# in the catalog and include MemoryDataset.
free_outputs = pipeline.outputs() - (set(registered_ds) - memory_datasets)
run_output = {ds_name: catalog.load(ds_name) for ds_name in free_outputs}
return run_output
def run_only_missing(
self, pipeline: Pipeline, catalog: CatalogProtocol, hook_manager: PluginManager
) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Run only the missing outputs from the ``Pipeline`` using the
datasets provided by ``catalog``, and save results back to the
same objects.
pipeline: The ``Pipeline`` to run.
catalog: An implemented instance of ``CatalogProtocol`` from which to fetch data.
hook_manager: The ``PluginManager`` to activate hooks.
ValueError: Raised when ``Pipeline`` inputs cannot be
Any node outputs that cannot be processed by the
catalog. These are returned in a dictionary, where
the keys are defined by the node outputs.
free_outputs = pipeline.outputs() - set(catalog.list())
missing = {ds for ds in catalog.list() if not catalog.exists(ds)}
to_build = free_outputs | missing
to_rerun = pipeline.only_nodes_with_outputs(*to_build) + pipeline.from_inputs(
# We also need any missing datasets that are required to run the
# `to_rerun` pipeline, including any chains of missing datasets.
unregistered_ds = pipeline.datasets() - set(catalog.list())
output_to_unregistered = pipeline.only_nodes_with_outputs(*unregistered_ds)
input_from_unregistered = to_rerun.inputs() & unregistered_ds
to_rerun += output_to_unregistered.to_outputs(*input_from_unregistered)
return self.run(to_rerun, catalog, hook_manager)
@abstractmethod # pragma: no cover
def _run(
pipeline: Pipeline,
catalog: CatalogProtocol,
hook_manager: PluginManager,
session_id: str | None = None,
) -> None:
"""The abstract interface for running pipelines, assuming that the
inputs have already been checked and normalized by run().
pipeline: The ``Pipeline`` to run.
catalog: An implemented instance of ``CatalogProtocol`` from which to fetch data.
hook_manager: The ``PluginManager`` to activate hooks.
session_id: The id of the session.
def _suggest_resume_scenario(
pipeline: Pipeline,
done_nodes: Iterable[Node],
catalog: CatalogProtocol,
) -> None:
Suggest a command to the user to resume a run after it fails.
The run should be started from the point closest to the failure
for which persisted input exists.
pipeline: the ``Pipeline`` of the run.
done_nodes: the ``Node``s that executed successfully.
catalog: an implemented instance of ``CatalogProtocol`` of the run.
remaining_nodes = set(pipeline.nodes) - set(done_nodes)
postfix = ""
if done_nodes:
start_node_names = _find_nodes_to_resume_from(
start_nodes_str = ",".join(sorted(start_node_names))
postfix += f' --from-nodes "{start_nodes_str}"'
if not postfix:
"No nodes ran. Repeat the previous command to attempt a new run."
f"There are {len(remaining_nodes)} nodes that have not run.\n"
"You can resume the pipeline run from the nearest nodes with "
"persisted inputs by adding the following "
f"argument to your previous command:\n{postfix}"
def _release_datasets(
node: Node, catalog: CatalogProtocol, load_counts: dict, pipeline: Pipeline
) -> None:
"""Decrement dataset load counts and release any datasets we've finished with"""
for dataset in node.inputs:
load_counts[dataset] -= 1
if load_counts[dataset] < 1 and dataset not in pipeline.inputs():
for dataset in node.outputs:
if load_counts[dataset] < 1 and dataset not in pipeline.outputs():
def _find_nodes_to_resume_from(
pipeline: Pipeline, unfinished_nodes: Collection[Node], catalog: CatalogProtocol
) -> set[str]:
"""Given a collection of unfinished nodes in a pipeline using
a certain catalog, find the node names to pass to pipeline.from_nodes()
to cover all unfinished nodes, including any additional nodes
that should be re-run if their outputs are not persisted.
pipeline: the ``Pipeline`` to find starting nodes for.
unfinished_nodes: collection of ``Node``s that have not finished yet
catalog: an implemented instance of ``CatalogProtocol`` of the run.
Set of node names to pass to pipeline.from_nodes() to continue
the run.
nodes_to_be_run = _find_all_nodes_for_resumed_pipeline(
pipeline, unfinished_nodes, catalog
# Find which of the remaining nodes would need to run first (in topo sort)
persistent_ancestors = _find_initial_node_group(pipeline, nodes_to_be_run)
return {n.name for n in persistent_ancestors}
def _find_all_nodes_for_resumed_pipeline(
pipeline: Pipeline, unfinished_nodes: Iterable[Node], catalog: CatalogProtocol
) -> set[Node]:
"""Breadth-first search approach to finding the complete set of
``Node``s which need to run to cover all unfinished nodes,
including any additional nodes that should be re-run if their outputs
are not persisted.
pipeline: the ``Pipeline`` to analyze.
unfinished_nodes: the iterable of ``Node``s which have not finished yet.
catalog: an implemented instance of ``CatalogProtocol`` of the run.
A set containing all input unfinished ``Node``s and all remaining
``Node``s that need to run in case their outputs are not persisted.
nodes_to_run = set(unfinished_nodes)
initial_nodes = _nodes_with_external_inputs(unfinished_nodes)
queue, visited = deque(initial_nodes), set(initial_nodes)
while queue:
current_node = queue.popleft()
# Look for parent nodes which produce non-persistent inputs (if those exist)
non_persistent_inputs = _enumerate_non_persistent_inputs(current_node, catalog)
for node in _enumerate_nodes_with_outputs(pipeline, non_persistent_inputs):
if node in visited:
# Make sure no downstream tasks are skipped
nodes_to_run = set(pipeline.from_nodes(*(n.name for n in nodes_to_run)).nodes)
return nodes_to_run
def _nodes_with_external_inputs(nodes_of_interest: Iterable[Node]) -> set[Node]:
"""For given ``Node``s , find their subset which depends on
external inputs of the ``Pipeline`` they constitute. External inputs
are pipeline inputs not produced by other ``Node``s in the ``Pipeline``.
nodes_of_interest: the ``Node``s to analyze.
A set of ``Node``s that depend on external inputs
of nodes of interest.
p_nodes_of_interest = Pipeline(nodes_of_interest)
p_nodes_with_external_inputs = p_nodes_of_interest.only_nodes_with_inputs(
return set(p_nodes_with_external_inputs.nodes)
def _enumerate_non_persistent_inputs(node: Node, catalog: CatalogProtocol) -> set[str]:
"""Enumerate non-persistent input datasets of a ``Node``.
node: the ``Node`` to check the inputs of.
catalog: an implemented instance of ``CatalogProtocol`` of the run.
Set of names of non-persistent inputs of given ``Node``.
# We use _datasets because they pertain parameter name format
catalog_datasets = catalog._datasets
non_persistent_inputs: set[str] = set()
for node_input in node.inputs:
if node_input.startswith("params:"):
if (
node_input not in catalog_datasets
or catalog_datasets[node_input]._EPHEMERAL
return non_persistent_inputs
def _enumerate_nodes_with_outputs(
pipeline: Pipeline, outputs: Collection[str]
) -> list[Node]:
"""For given outputs, returns a list containing nodes that
generate them in the given ``Pipeline``.
pipeline: the ``Pipeline`` to search for nodes in.
outputs: the dataset names to find source nodes for.
A list of all ``Node``s that are producing ``outputs``.
parent_pipeline = pipeline.only_nodes_with_outputs(*outputs)
return parent_pipeline.nodes
def _find_initial_node_group(pipeline: Pipeline, nodes: Iterable[Node]) -> list[Node]:
"""Given a collection of ``Node``s in a ``Pipeline``,
find the initial group of ``Node``s to be run (in topological order).
This can be used to define a sub-pipeline with the smallest possible
set of nodes to pass to --from-nodes.
pipeline: the ``Pipeline`` to search for initial ``Node``s in.
nodes: the ``Node``s to find initial group for.
A list of initial ``Node``s to run given inputs (in topological order).
node_names = {n.name for n in nodes}
if len(node_names) == 0:
return []
sub_pipeline = pipeline.only_nodes(*node_names)
initial_nodes = sub_pipeline.grouped_nodes[0]
return initial_nodes
def run_node(
node: Node,
catalog: CatalogProtocol,
hook_manager: PluginManager,
is_async: bool = False,
session_id: str | None = None,
) -> Node:
"""Run a single `Node` with inputs from and outputs to the `catalog`.
node: The ``Node`` to run.
catalog: An implemented instance of ``CatalogProtocol`` containing the node's inputs and outputs.
hook_manager: The ``PluginManager`` to activate hooks.
is_async: If True, the node inputs and outputs are loaded and saved
asynchronously with threads. Defaults to False.
session_id: The session id of the pipeline run.
ValueError: Raised if is_async is set to True for nodes wrapping
generator functions.
The node argument.
"`run_node()` has been deprecated and will be removed in Kedro 0.20.0",
if is_async and inspect.isgeneratorfunction(node.func):
raise ValueError(
f"Async data loading and saving does not work with "
f"nodes wrapping generator functions. Please make "
f"sure you don't use `yield` anywhere "
f"in node {node!s}."
task = Task(
node = task.execute()
return node