Source code for kedro.framework.cli.utils

"""Utilities for use with click."""
from __future__ import annotations

import difflib
import logging
import re
import shlex
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import textwrap
import traceback
import typing
from collections import defaultdict
from importlib import import_module
from itertools import chain
from pathlib import Path
from typing import IO, Any, Iterable, Sequence

import click
import importlib_metadata
from omegaconf import OmegaConf

CONTEXT_SETTINGS = {"help_option_names": ["-h", "--help"]}
CUTOFF = 0.5

ENV_HELP = "Kedro configuration environment name. Defaults to `local`."

    "global": "kedro.global_commands",
    "project": "kedro.project_commands",
    "init": "kedro.init",
    "line_magic": "kedro.line_magic",
    "hooks": "kedro.hooks",
    "cli_hooks": "kedro.cli_hooks",
    "starters": "kedro.starters",

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def call(cmd: list[str], **kwargs: Any) -> None:  # pragma: no cover
    """Run a subprocess command and raise if it fails.

        cmd: List of command parts.
        **kwargs: Optional keyword arguments passed to ``.

        click.exceptions.Exit: If `` returns non-zero code.
    click.echo(" ".join(shlex.quote(c) for c in cmd))
    code =, **kwargs).returncode  # noqa: PLW1510, S603
    if code:
        raise click.exceptions.Exit(code=code)

[docs] def python_call( module: str, arguments: Iterable[str], **kwargs: Any ) -> None: # pragma: no cover """Run a subprocess command that invokes a Python module.""" call([sys.executable, "-m", module] + list(arguments), **kwargs)
[docs] def find_stylesheets() -> Iterable[str]: # pragma: no cover """Fetch all stylesheets used in the official Kedro documentation""" css_path = Path(__file__).resolve().parents[1] / "html" / "_static" / "css" return (str(css_path / "copybutton.css"),)
[docs] def forward_command( group: Any, name: str | None = None, forward_help: bool = False ) -> Any: """A command that receives the rest of the command line as 'args'.""" def wrapit(func: Any) -> Any: func = click.argument("args", nargs=-1, type=click.UNPROCESSED)(func) func = command_with_verbosity( group, name=name, context_settings={ "ignore_unknown_options": True, "help_option_names": [] if forward_help else ["-h", "--help"], }, )(func) return func return wrapit
def _suggest_cli_command( original_command_name: str, existing_command_names: Iterable[str] ) -> str: matches = difflib.get_close_matches( original_command_name, existing_command_names, MAX_SUGGESTIONS, CUTOFF ) if not matches: return "" if len(matches) == 1: suggestion = "\n\nDid you mean this?" else: suggestion = "\n\nDid you mean one of these?\n" suggestion += textwrap.indent("\n".join(matches), " " * 4) return suggestion
[docs] class CommandCollection(click.CommandCollection): """Modified from the Click one to still run the source groups function.""" def __init__(self, *groups: tuple[str, Sequence[click.MultiCommand]]): self.groups = [ (title, self._merge_same_name_collections(cli_list)) for title, cli_list in groups ] sources = list(chain.from_iterable(cli_list for _, cli_list in self.groups)) help_texts = [ for cli_collection in sources for cli in cli_collection.sources if ] self._dedupe_commands(sources) super().__init__( sources=sources, # type: ignore[arg-type] help="\n\n".join(help_texts), context_settings=CONTEXT_SETTINGS, ) self.params = sources[0].params self.callback = sources[0].callback @staticmethod def _dedupe_commands(cli_collections: Sequence[click.CommandCollection]) -> None: """Deduplicate commands by keeping the ones from the last source in the list. """ seen_names: set[str] = set() for cli_collection in reversed(cli_collections): for cmd_group in reversed(cli_collection.sources): cmd_group.commands = { # type: ignore[attr-defined] cmd_name: cmd for cmd_name, cmd in cmd_group.commands.items() # type: ignore[attr-defined] if cmd_name not in seen_names } seen_names |= cmd_group.commands.keys() # type: ignore[attr-defined] # remove empty command groups for cli_collection in cli_collections: cli_collection.sources = [ cmd_group for cmd_group in cli_collection.sources if cmd_group.commands # type: ignore[attr-defined] ] @staticmethod def _merge_same_name_collections( groups: Sequence[click.MultiCommand], ) -> list[click.CommandCollection]: named_groups: defaultdict[str, list[click.MultiCommand]] = defaultdict(list) helps: defaultdict[str, list] = defaultdict(list) for group in groups: named_groups[].append(group) # type: ignore[index] if helps[].append( # type: ignore[index] return [ click.CommandCollection( name=group_name, sources=cli_list, help="\n\n".join(helps[group_name]), callback=cli_list[0].callback, params=cli_list[0].params, ) for group_name, cli_list in named_groups.items() if cli_list ] def resolve_command( self, ctx: click.core.Context, args: list ) -> tuple[str | None, click.Command | None, list[str]]: try: return super().resolve_command(ctx, args) except click.exceptions.UsageError as exc: original_command_name = click.utils.make_str(args[0]) existing_command_names = self.list_commands(ctx) exc.message += _suggest_cli_command( original_command_name, existing_command_names ) raise def format_commands( self, ctx: click.core.Context, formatter: click.formatting.HelpFormatter ) -> None: for title, cli in self.groups: for group in cli: if group.sources: formatter.write("\n{title} from {}", fg="green") ) group.format_commands(ctx, formatter)
[docs] def get_pkg_version(reqs_path: (str | Path), package_name: str) -> str: """Get package version from requirements.txt. Args: reqs_path: Path to requirements.txt file. package_name: Package to search for. Returns: Package and its version as specified in requirements.txt. Raises: KedroCliError: If the file specified in ``reqs_path`` does not exist or ``package_name`` was not found in that file. """ reqs_path = Path(reqs_path).absolute() if not reqs_path.is_file(): raise KedroCliError(f"Given path '{reqs_path}' is not a regular file.") pattern = re.compile(package_name + r"([^\w]|$)") with"r", encoding="utf-8") as reqs_file: for req_line in reqs_file: req_line = req_line.strip() # noqa: PLW2901 if return req_line raise KedroCliError(f"Cannot find '{package_name}' package in '{reqs_path}'.")
def _update_verbose_flag(ctx: click.Context, param: Any, value: bool) -> None: KedroCliError.VERBOSE_ERROR = value def _click_verbose(func: Any) -> Any: """Click option for enabling verbose mode.""" return click.option( "--verbose", "-v", is_flag=True, callback=_update_verbose_flag, help="See extensive logging and error stack traces.", )(func)
[docs] def command_with_verbosity(group: click.core.Group, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: """Custom command decorator with verbose flag added.""" def decorator(func: Any) -> Any: func = _click_verbose(func) func = group.command(*args, **kwargs)(func) return func return decorator
[docs] class KedroCliError(click.exceptions.ClickException): """Exceptions generated from the Kedro CLI. Users should pass an appropriate message at the constructor. """ VERBOSE_ERROR = False VERBOSE_EXISTS = True COOKIECUTTER_EXCEPTIONS_PREFIX = "cookiecutter.exceptions"
[docs] def show(self, file: IO | None = None) -> None: if self.VERBOSE_ERROR: click.secho(traceback.format_exc(), nl=False, fg="yellow") elif self.VERBOSE_EXISTS: etype, value, tb = sys.exc_info() formatted_exception = "".join(traceback.format_exception_only(etype, value)) cookiecutter_exception = "" for ex_line in traceback.format_exception(etype, value, tb): if self.COOKIECUTTER_EXCEPTIONS_PREFIX in ex_line: cookiecutter_exception = ex_line break click.secho( f"{cookiecutter_exception}{formatted_exception}Run with --verbose to see the full exception", fg="yellow", ) else: etype, value, _ = sys.exc_info() formatted_exception = "".join(traceback.format_exception_only(etype, value)) click.secho( f"{formatted_exception}", fg="yellow", )
def _clean_pycache(path: Path) -> None: """Recursively clean all __pycache__ folders from `path`. Args: path: Existing local directory to clean __pycache__ folders from. """ to_delete = [each.resolve() for each in path.rglob("__pycache__")] for each in to_delete: shutil.rmtree(each, ignore_errors=True)
[docs] def split_string(ctx: click.Context, param: Any, value: str) -> list[str]: """Split string by comma.""" return [item.strip() for item in value.split(",") if item.strip()]
def split_node_names(ctx: click.Context, param: Any, to_split: str) -> list[str]: """Split string by comma, ignoring commas enclosed by square parentheses. This avoids splitting the string of nodes names on commas included in default node names, which have the pattern <function_name>([<input_name>,...]) -> [<output_name>,...]) Note: - `to_split` will have such commas if and only if it includes a default node name. User-defined node names cannot include commas or square brackets. - This function will no longer be necessary from Kedro 0.19.*, in which default node names will no longer contain commas Args: to_split: the string to split safely Returns: A list containing the result of safe-splitting the string. """ result = [] argument, match_state = "", 0 for char in to_split + ",": if char == "[": match_state += 1 elif char == "]": match_state -= 1 if char == "," and match_state == 0 and argument: argument = argument.strip() result.append(argument) argument = "" else: argument += char return result
[docs] def env_option(func_: Any | None = None, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: """Add `--env` CLI option to a function.""" default_args = {"type": str, "default": None, "help": ENV_HELP} kwargs = {**default_args, **kwargs} opt = click.option("--env", "-e", **kwargs) return opt(func_) if func_ else opt
def _check_module_importable(module_name: str) -> None: try: import_module(module_name) except ImportError as exc: raise KedroCliError( f"Module '{module_name}' not found. Make sure to install required project " f"dependencies by running the 'pip install -r requirements.txt' command first." ) from exc def _get_entry_points(name: str) -> Any: """Get all kedro related entry points""" return importlib_metadata.entry_points().select( # type: ignore[no-untyped-call] group=ENTRY_POINT_GROUPS[name] ) def _safe_load_entry_point( entry_point: Any, ) -> Any: """Load entrypoint safely, if fails it will just skip the entrypoint.""" try: return entry_point.load() except Exception as exc: logger.warning( "Failed to load %s commands from %s. Full exception: %s", entry_point.module, entry_point, exc, ) return def load_entry_points(name: str) -> Sequence[click.MultiCommand]: """Load package entry point commands. Args: name: The key value specified in ENTRY_POINT_GROUPS. Raises: KedroCliError: If loading an entry point failed. Returns: List of entry point commands. """ entry_point_commands = [] for entry_point in _get_entry_points(name): loaded_entry_point = _safe_load_entry_point(entry_point) if loaded_entry_point: entry_point_commands.append(loaded_entry_point) return entry_point_commands @typing.no_type_check def _config_file_callback(ctx: click.Context, param: Any, value: Any) -> Any: """CLI callback that replaces command line options with values specified in a config file. If command line options are passed, they override config file values. """ ctx.default_map = ctx.default_map or {} section = ctx.info_name if value: config = OmegaConf.to_container(OmegaConf.load(value))[section] for key, value in config.items(): _validate_config_file(key) ctx.default_map.update(config) return value def _validate_config_file(key: str) -> None: """Validate the keys provided in the config file against the accepted keys.""" from kedro.framework.cli.project import run run_args = [ for click_arg in run.params] run_args.remove("config") if key not in run_args: KedroCliError.VERBOSE_EXISTS = False message = _suggest_cli_command(key, run_args) # type: ignore[arg-type] raise KedroCliError( f"Key `{key}` in provided configuration is not valid. {message}" ) def _split_params(ctx: click.Context, param: Any, value: Any) -> Any: if isinstance(value, dict): return value dot_list = [] for item in split_string(ctx, param, value): equals_idx = item.find("=") if equals_idx == -1: # If an equals sign is not found, fail with an error message. f"Invalid format of `{}` option: " f"Item `{item}` must contain a key and a value separated by `=`." ) # Split the item into key and value key, _, val = item.partition("=") key = key.strip() if not key: # If the key is empty after stripping whitespace, fail with an error message. f"Invalid format of `{}` option: Parameter key " f"cannot be an empty string." ) # Add "key=value" pair to dot_list. dot_list.append(f"{key}={val}") conf = OmegaConf.from_dotlist(dot_list) return OmegaConf.to_container(conf) def _split_load_versions(ctx: click.Context, param: Any, value: str) -> dict[str, str]: """Split and format the string coming from the --load-versions flag in kedro run, e.g.: "dataset1:time1,dataset2:time2" -> {"dataset1": "time1", "dataset2": "time2"} Args: value: the string with the contents of the --load-versions flag. Returns: A dictionary with the formatted load versions data. """ if not value: return {} lv_tuple = tuple(chain.from_iterable(value.split(",") for value in [value])) load_versions_dict = {} for load_version in lv_tuple: load_version = load_version.strip() # noqa: PLW2901 load_version_list = load_version.split(":", 1) if len(load_version_list) != 2: # noqa: PLR2004 raise KedroCliError( f"Expected the form of 'load_versions' to be " f"''," f"found {load_version} instead" ) load_versions_dict[load_version_list[0]] = load_version_list[1] return load_versions_dict